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“Classic Enterprise Case Study”: LDAP Group Integration Feature: Simplifying Permission Adjustments, Easing Organizational Changes

Case Introduction: One-time Setup for Easy MAVIS User and Administrator Permission Assignment

User Background

Automotive Parts Manufacturer - MIS Manager - Mr. Ma

Usage Scenario

When the company's organizational structure changes, Mr. Ma wants to quickly adjust employee permissions to match the new structure. However, with increasing personnel turnover, Mr. Ma's time was consumed by account management across different software platforms. To reduce errors from manual input, Mr. Ma turned to the LDAP user synchronization feature but struggled with customizing Active Directory filter conditions. He accidentally imported the entire company's LDAP personnel into the system multiple times.


Mr. Ma solved this problem using MAVIS's LDAP group preview feature. He can now directly select groups to synchronize with MAVIS through a graphical interface, such as "Engineering Department" and "Quality Control". He can also specify roles in MAVIS for each group, preview the selection results, and save the settings after confirmation. This eliminates the need to create each user manually in MAVIS. Now, when new employees join or positions change, he only needs to update the groups in AD, and MAVIS will automatically reflect these changes.

Deep Dive into MAVIS's LDAP Group Integration Feature

You can select AD groups on the login integration page for synchronization with LDAP. With a single configuration, you can specify which users can be designated as MAVIS users or administrators, and preview the groups available on the LDAP server and their synchronization status.


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